Tuesday, February 28, 2012

Dying and living, at the same time.

WOW! This is a great read about what it means to be crucified with Christ and also live at the same time.

*I will live out of who He says I am on my worst day.
*I will trust the Spirits power over my sin instead of my will power, promises, or resolve.
*I will trust His love of me as motivation rather than the ought of obligation.
*I will trust the power of the resurrection which lives in me to fight sin for me.
*I will allow others into my hidden stuff, so that Christ may protect me through them.
*I will learn to believe that Christ took my shame identity with Him to the Cross.
*I will learn to believe that Christ gave me a completely shame-free identity at the Cross.
*I will each day choose to live out of the total lack of God’s condemnation.
*I will chose to stop giving myself permission to live out of my own condemnation.
*I will grow to trust in the redemption found in Christ’s shed blood for every failure.
*I will die daily to the lie that I ought to, should be more than I am.
*I will die daily to the lie that I am not enough.
*I will die daily to the lie that one day I will be almost righteous enough.
*I will die daily to imagining that I have the power to kill sin by my good intentions.
*I will die daily to imagining that I have the power to manage my sin.
*I will daily grow to enjoy this new life of His power and freedom beyond my wildest dreams.

To read the entire post, click here.

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